Welcome to the United Medical Transportation Providers Group
A Group of Providers for Providers!
A Group of Providers for Providers!
Hospital and emergency room case managers are notorious for upcoding to more quickly discharge patients by ambulance. Although convenient for case managers and profitable for ambulance providers, the problem is this strategy costs Medicare 7-10 times the amount as compared to using an NEMT provider. This waste can trigger CMS audits which can cost the hospital serious time and HR resources. It is better for hospitals to use NEMT providers for non-emergency transportation discharges.
So many Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) providers are focused exclusively on Medicaid work, either working directly to Social Services or through a Medicaid Broker, because reimbursements are guaranteed through the government. However, they are completely neglecting the dramatically higher rates of reimbursement from private pay and direct-pay contracted work.
See the results below, but test for yourself. Do an online search for "What percentage of the US population is on Medicaid?" The answer you'll find is ONLY 18.9% as of 2023. That's less than 1 in 5 people being on Medicaid, so why would you build your business around less than 20% of the market? It makes no sense!
Continue with another search, "What percentage of the US SENIOR population is on Medicaid?" The answer is ONLY 7% as of 2022 and it actually dropped to 6% by 2024. This means that, while the elderly population is exponentially growing, the percentage of seniors on Medicaid is in decline, yet many NEMT providers are still fixated exclusively on Medicaid seniors and broker work while neglecting all the additional NEMT type of transports and contracted opportunities.
Most NEMT providers are fixated on Medicaid broker work which leaves greater ROI trips for you!
WARNING: The United Medical Transportation Provers Group is NOT a “Country Club Association.” If you are looking for a back-slapping club or a trade show experience where you can swap business cards with brokers and industry manipulators eager for you to build your business according to their methodology, then please consider joining other groups or organizations.
The UMTPG is solutions-oriented and not social-oriented. Our goal is to provide tools, resources, and information to assist our member-provider so they can grow, scale and enhance their business according to their vision, resources, and market opportunities.
As an active UMTPG member, you have FREE access to our videos on Teachable. Consider one of our most popular videos featuring a conference call between Joel Davis and a client-provider operating in two states. The two discuss strategies for how to leverage his custom Market Analysis for penetrating cross-border facilities - hospitals, rehab, nursing facilities, assisted and independent communities.
Founded in 2010, the UMTPG was created in response to a lack of continuity, organization, and accurate information throughout the medical transportation industry.
We're here to serve, educate, enhance, and preserve the interests of the medical transportation industry and our member-partners.
Dedicated to helping you be successful in the medical transportation industry, there are many benefits to becoming an active UMTPG member-partner.
A client-provider recently shared the below images that he personally took of a competitor loading a patient on a stretcher into a minivan.
The two side-by-side images are those images (name of the company blocked out) featuring the driver loading a patient on a stretcher into the minivan. The single image further below IS NOT the same van, but it illustrates how minivans can literally fold up like a tin can when rear ended. In looking at these three images and the proximity of the patients head to the rear of the door it is not hard to determine how utterly catastrophic a rearending accident could be for patients and passengers.
Again, to reiterate, the minivan involved in the accident above is NOT the same minivan featuring the patient on the stretcher being loaded.
Sharing this devastating image is strictly for demonstration purposes and to bring proper perspective to what can potentially happen in the event of such a horrific accident.
All too often we hear "But this is how my competitors do it," or "Well, I don't know, my competitor has 25 vehicles, and this is what they drive," or "This is how they pay their employees," etc. The moral of the story is "Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean it's the RIGHT WAY to do it."
Learn from the mistakes of others to include your competitors. All too often medical transportation providers cut corners in an effort to save time and money, but doing so exposes you and your passengers to great liability. It is not worth the risk!
To learn how to properly build your non-emergency medical transportation business, or further build and scale and exiting NEMT business, Click Here to share your information and a member of our staff will contact you.
"Hi Tom & Team, I honestly wish I could show you guys how much I appreciate the wonderful job you’ve done for me building my website. You guys R-O-C-K!!!! I love everything about UMTPG. I swear someone is watching me from up above and he made sure I find you guys on YouTube. I wasn’t looking for this opportunity but I happened to stumble on one of Joel’s video clip and my new life just started. I better make this email short because when I am happy I start preaching ... LOL"
"I LOVE MY WEBSITE!!! I really love the "IT" symbol and the wheelchair symbol used for the letter "O" - that gets the SWAG award and sharp as a TACK!!! The pictures are perfect under each heading on website too! I love the way you made my picture black and white versus the traditional color photo...SWEET! The verbiage is crisp, clean and straight to the point--EXCELLENT!!"
So many satisfied members can't be wrong! UMTPG media is please to provide you with a professional and engaging website that is fully functional on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. Your website will bolster your image and help you connect with potential customers, family members, and facility staff.
Click here to learn more about how UMTPG Media can help brand your business!
Copyright © 2010-2025 United Medical Transportation Providers Group - All Rights Reserved.
Yes, you read that correctly! To help new and experienced NEMT providers maximize opportunity and limit mistakes, all new UMTPG members will receive a FREE copy of Joel Davis' best-selling ebook, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company."